Which Charity Should You Donate To?

Carmen Trifiletti

April 14, 2023

Carmen Trifiletti- Commercial Landscaping

Deciding which charity you should donate your hard-earned cash to can be daunting. Here are a few tips to help you make the right choice. Donations to charities can have a significant impact on the world. That’s why it’s essential to research and choose the best nonprofit for your goals.

Prevent Child Abuse

Abuse of children is a serious issue that affects all ages and races across the globe. It can be physical, sexual, or emotional, leaving lasting scars on children. It is also a problem that can lead to problems in adulthood, such as drug abuse, crime, and poor social adjustment. Fortunately, prevention programs can help reduce these problems.

PCANY educates and supports families and communities to prevent child abuse and neglect. It also advocates for legislation and policy that protects children and their families.

Mental Health America for Charity 

If you’re looking for a charity to donate to that is focused on destigmatizing mental health and promoting it as a priority, Mental Health America is a great choice. They help people with mental illness, support their families, and shape national public policy to give everyone access to quality treatment.

Founded in 1909, MHA is the largest community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing mental health needs in the United States. They help consumers find support, provide training and tools to advocate for better health policies, and offer free online screenings that are easy, confidential, and anonymous.

MHA also promotes research and innovation. They release data that helps communities understand trends in mental health, trauma, and disparity. They also work to increase awareness about mental health through public education campaigns each July.

High Commission for Refugees

Founded in 1950, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees provides life-saving assistance to displaced and stateless people worldwide. Since then, the agency has faced multiple crises on various continents and has helped millions of people restart their lives.

UNHCR’s work depends on the voluntary contributions of individual governments, the European Union, and individuals. However, these contributions are typically only half the amount the agency needs yearly.

UNHCR works on various legal bases, and its capacity to protect refugees depends on the specific situations that require it. This includes ad hoc extensions of its mandate to help States face particular challenges.

American Humane for Charity 

With more than 20 years of experience, American Humane is one of the country’s most effective animal welfare organizations. The organization focuses on animal education, animal-assisted therapy, pet adoption, and human-animal bonding.

By donating to American Humane, you can help support their mission to create a compassionate world by ending the abuse and neglect of children and animals. You can also include their work in your Estate Plan with a planned gift, such as a bequest or beneficiary designation on your will, trust, life insurance policy, or retirement plan.

In addition to promoting the human-animal bond, the HSUS works to stop cruelty to animals in all forms, including farm animal welfare, wildlife abuse, painful and unnecessary animal testing, and the use of animals in scientific research. Their undercover investigations expose animal abuse in various industries and research facilities.

Cancer Research Institute for Charity 

Cancer research is a huge priority, and many charities are working to find cures. With 1.9 million people diagnosed with cancer in 2021, it’s no wonder we need organizations like these.

CRI focuses on immunotherapy treatments that target the immune system to combat cancer. Their mission is to “fuel the discovery and development of powerful immunotherapies for all types of cancer.”

The Cancer Research Institute has been dedicated to this work since 1953. Their goal is to save lives by fueling immunotherapy research and education. They also help cancer patients during their treatment and journey to survivorship. Their services are free and include financial aid, mental health support, and ways to recognize the battle they’ve overcome.